Miscellaneous collection
Source: Colonel Logan Govender

Colonel Logan Govender is an avid contributer to Nongqai for many years. His extensive network and tenacity to find stories and images of historical significance is legendary. Here you will find a collection of images sourced by the Colonel over a long period of dedicated service to the South African Police, Nongqai magazine and Nongqai blog.


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Chatsworth Training


Leadership Training

Mechanical Training

Pinetown SAP



Wentworth Training

Neat commissioned officer on parade
Govender image at officer's ball
Brigadier Von Keiserlink presenting honours
Receiving floating trophy
Detective Warrant Officer Gops Reddy
Service Medal parade Sergeant Govender
1964 A team soccer
Kathavarayen Rajgopaul<br />
Enlisted  1937<br />
Promoted to Lieutenant circa 1971<br />
Detective Branch Commander, SA Police, Chatsworth, Unit 2<br />
Retired 1975
Fiat Lux Volume 1 - No 2 June 1966, P ​34
1.”One of the many events at Old Kingsmead, Durban, was a PT display by Indian members of the South African Police.”
2. “Colonel CC Vin Keyserlingk, Divisional Commissioner of Police, Port Natal, takes the salute during the Retreat ceremony at the end of the day’s proceedings at Old Kingsmead.”

University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, (Westville Campus) : Special Collections, Ghandi-Luthuli Documentation Centre: Senior Librarian, Mr Thiru Munsamy

Colonel CC Vin Keyserlingk, Divisional Commissioner of Police, Port Natal, takes the salute 1966